I am pissed off. Terribly royally pissed off. I stood by and watched when they destroyed it one by one. But now I am stronger. I can take it no more....
Their first attack was on the mouse. That cute little thing with big ears that Tom used to catch called Jerry. They took it and replaced it with a plastic blob with two buttons. Could have called it a rat, couldnt they. But I forgave them. Atleast they didnt call a keyboard a cat....
And they came that man Mr Gates. I bet he was tortured as a kid for his surname. Else why would he call that bland program Windows. Its supposed to let in fresh air, with beautiful hilltops in the background. Not error messages and black screens. Not fair....
The guts of these men. Did Edison call his light bulb a sun, or Marconi call his telephone a mouth. They knew how to respect a language. Not these computer freaks. And we the common man got too dazzled with the technology to care. And look where we ended up. A net no longer catches fish, spiders have lost ownership of the web, a tablet no longer cures you and soon a cloud will no longer cause any rainfall. And still nobody cares....
This lament will not be complete without alluding to one man. One Mr Jobs. The sadist stole from us the one thing that kept the doctor away. At least the blackberry is black. The apple neither red nor green is white. Heights I say....
But why this sudden revolt, this outburst of anger you may ask. Well not to be undone by the other big guns, Google has decieded to take away from us the one thing we thought would always be safe. ICECREAM. A tear in my eye. This is our last chance I say. Rise up and revolt....
Before it is too late....